Website Conversion Calculator

Understand the conversion rate of your website and how much revenue it generates compared to your traffic. This data is important for B2B and B2C businesses and we give you a calculator that helps you find out exact percentages.

How Conversion Formulas Work

Conversion to Lead Rate

This metric shows the percentage of visitors who become leads.


(Number of Leads / Number of Visitors) × 100

Lead to Customer Rate

This percentage represents how many leads convert into paying customers.


(Number of Customers / Number of Leads) × 100

Average Revenue per Customer

This figure shows how much revenue, on average, each customer brings to your business.


Total Revenue / Number of Customers

Average Revenue per Visitor

This metric indicates how much revenue each website visitor generates on average.


Total Revenue / Number of Visitors

Average Revenue per Lead

This shows the average revenue generated from each lead.


Total Revenue / Number of Leads

Use our calculator below to easily compute these metrics for your business!

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Calculate Your Metrics

Enter your website metrics to calculate conversion rates and revenue statistics

Calculated Metrics

Conversion to Lead


Lead to Customer


Avg. Revenue per Customer


Avg. Revenue per Visitor


Avg. Revenue per Lead


Why Conversion Rates Matter and How Hachly AI Can Help You Improve Them

If you're running a business, especially in the B2B or B2C space, you’ve probably asked yourself at some point, “How do I get more out of the traffic coming to my website?” This is where conversion rates come in. Think of them as a scorecard that tells you how well you're doing in turning visitors into paying customers. And the best part? You don’t have to increase your traffic to boost your revenue—you just need to convert better.

I’ve worked with multiple businesses, from car subscription services to custom rug sellers, and I can tell you firsthand how vital it is to track and optimize your conversion rate. When you know how your visitors are behaving and what drives them to take action, you can make adjustments that directly impact your bottom line.

Why Should You Care About Improving Your Conversion Rate?
Because every visitor who leaves without taking action is a missed opportunity. And we know how frustrating that can be. Improving conversion rates means more leads, more sales, and ultimately, more revenue. It’s not just about throwing more traffic at the problem; it’s about making every visitor count.

Example Conversion Rates Breakdown

Conversion to Lead Rate

(Leads / Visitors) × 100

Percentage of visitors turning into leads

Lead to Customer Rate

(Customers / Leads) × 100

Percentage of leads turning into paying customers

Average Revenue per Lead

Total Revenue / Number of Leads

How much revenue each lead brings

Average Revenue per Visitor

Total Revenue / Number of Visitors

How much revenue each visitor brings

How Hachly AI Can Help
At Hachly AI, we take a more personal, proactive approach. Imagine having a friendly, intelligent sales agent on your website—one that’s always available, understands your visitors’ needs, and guides them towards becoming a customer. That’s exactly what we offer. Our AI engages visitors in real-time, answers their questions, and helps them move forward, whether it’s booking a call, downloading a lead magnet, or even making a purchase. It’s like having a sales team that never sleeps!

Understanding Your Metrics

Conversion to Lead

This metric shows the percentage of visitors who become leads. A higher percentage indicates that your website is effective at capturing visitor information and generating potential customers.

Lead to Customer

This percentage represents how many leads convert into paying customers. It's a crucial indicator of your sales process effectiveness and the quality of your leads.

Average Revenue per Customer

This figure shows how much revenue, on average, each customer brings to your business. It's useful for understanding the value of your customers and can guide customer acquisition strategies.

Average Revenue per Visitor

This metric indicates how much revenue each website visitor generates on average. It's a good overall measure of how well your website converts traffic into revenue.

Average Revenue per Lead

This shows the average revenue generated from each lead. It can help you understand the quality of your leads and the effectiveness of your lead nurturing process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to Boost Your Conversions?

Use our Hachly AI Sales agent that helps businesses to get more conversion from their website. Easy to set up and launch.